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Teaching a child a new foreign language from scratch… sounds quite daunting, doesn’t it?
But there’s good news: children pick up languages very quickly.
They’re curious, creative, and absorb new words like sponges.
In fact, the earlier they learn a new language, the better!
There are endless reasons why your child should learn another language.
Bilingual children are more creative. They are better problem-solvers, concentrate better than monolingual kids, and will eventually have better opportunities both job and travel-wise.
You may want your child to be able to communicate with their grandparents when you take them back home during the summer holidays. Or maybe you just want them to know another language (or two).
Either way, there are ways you can play a part in doing this.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a parent, tutor, or teacher, these tips will have your child babbling away in (whichever language) in no time.
1. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
Repetition is key when getting children to learn new vocabulary. The more you repeat a word, the better the chances they will remember it. Encourage your child to repeat each word after you. Focus on pronunciation.
There are fun ways of learning new words, such as creating rhymes and songs. Sing them together throughout the day and your child will pick up the new vocabulary quicker than you can believe.
2. Label Household Items
A fork = une fourchette (French)
This is a simple but effective way of learning new words in another language. Label kitchen items, toys, and anything your child uses frequently. Point to the items when using them and say their names in the target language.
With time, the names of the items will start to come naturally to your kid.
You can also use simple commands to help your children memorize words and phrases throughout the day. For example: ‘sit on the chair’ or ‘please make your bed’.
3. Use Gestures and Facial Expressions.
Did you know that 55% of all human communication is determined through body language? Only 7% is based on the words you speak. How crazy is that?
Research has shown that pairing gestures with new words increase the chances of a student remembering them.
You can use gestures to help remember basic actions like walking, running, sleeping, and eating. Another idea is to do facial expressions for emotions such as happy, sad, and angry.
Using gestures and facial expressions also help to keep learning fun.
Now might be a good time to show off your drama skills!
4. Take Advantage of Digital Materials
There are many useful materials for learning languages online.
Duolingo is a great app, and Rosetta Stone offers a good online learning platform.
You can also watch movies together or listen to music in the target language. If your child enjoys watching cartoons you can put some on TV for them.
The animated television series Dora the Explorer was a great success in teaching little ones new Spanish words.
5. Expose Your Child to a Native Speaker
Having a native speaker around is beneficial and a great way to immerse your child in the language they are learning.
Some parents hire nannies who speak a foreign language for their children. Another fantastic option is to get a private tutor.
Maybe you know a bilingual family whose children speak a foreign language. Try and get your children to hang out with theirs.
Here’s an even better idea: book a small getaway to a country where your child is completely exposed to the new language. This is one of the most effective ways of picking up a new language.
6. Games
Learning a new language should be fun! Implementing games into study time is a good way to keep your little one focused and entertained.
Flashcards are very useful. On one side of the flashcard, you can have the name for an object in the target language, and on the other side, you can have the object’s name in English. Your child will enjoy guessing the word.
Children love bedtime stories. They may not understand every word you say but they will familiarize themselves with the sounds, which is the first step.
7. Praise Them
We all like to be told when we have done a good job. This is one of the most efficient ways to motivate your child. It can change their entire attitude to learning.
When your child gets something correct, praise them. Tell them they have done a good job.
Kids also love stickers and stars so use that to your advantage!
Teaching a child a new language can seem quite scary, but with some patience, fun, and perseverance your little ones are guaranteed to succeed.